Medical Compliance Packages
Let us help your expedition company reach new heights!

Expedition Providers Association (EPA) Medical Compliance
We can help expedition companies become compliant with the medical aspect of the EPA standard for membership and gain the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) quality badge.

British Standard 8848
Medical Compliance
We can help expedition companies become compliant with the medical requirements of the British Standard for organising and managing visits, fieldwork, expeditions, and adventurous activities outside the UK.

Medical Guidance on travel vaccinations and Medications
RMS will confirm which travel vaccinations are required for each trip and which specific medications should be stocked by the expedition leadership.
Monitoring of expedition team leaders and participants
RMS will provide leaders with a system to medically monitor both participants and leaders to ensure their safety and wellbeing. If leaders feel the need for medical attention for a participant or leader, they can request such from the Medical Director.
Medical And First Aid Provision
RMS will provide access to Medical Practitioners to the provider, enabling them to communicate directly with the leadership team overseas. The services and support provided by RMS doctors to expedition teams will be within identified timescales (as defined in EPA 14.5.3)
Medical Hazards Risk Asssessment
The risk analysis for medical hazards will include:
Identification of significant hazards
Identification of persons who might be harmed by them and how
Evaluation of the risks and deciding on precautions
Recording findings and putting the safety measures in place
Review of the assessment and updating as circumstances change.
Pre-Departure Medical Screening
RMS can provide a medical screening process for the leadership team and expedition participants by:
reviewing and storing records of any pre-existing medical conditions, including significant psychological health issues and any current medications being used.
review and confirm fitness of members to participate in the venture.
review and provide information regarding vaccinations and prophylaxis necessary
Access to Medical Care
With access to a satellite phone or any form of telecommunications device, the trip leadership can use the Remote Medical Support 24/7 GP advice line to speak to either the RMS medical director or our other doctors who can provide remote medical advice to all trip participants.
First Aid Qualification for Leadership
RMS will review the first aid qualification of the leadership team and provide any necessary feedback to ensure the leadership in regards to which qualifications are necessary for the needs of the venture.